Group Policies

Please read each of the following policies

Attendance Policy

Uniform Policy

Admission & Waiting List Policy

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy

Benevolence Policy

Attendance Policy


1.0 – We are a very active Scout Group who strives to keep young people engaged in all activities that we do, with many camps and extra activities during the year. As we are so active, we have a large waiting list of young people wanting to attend.


2.0 – As a result we expect a minimum attendance of 80% during one term. 2.2 – Whilst we accept our members will be busy with other commitments but it isn’t fair on those waiting. 2.3 – If there is a notice period of 50% non-attendance a conversation between the Leader and guardian will be held to see if there is a reason for non-attendance and if the group can support with anything to increase attendance. 2.4 – If attendance of 80% is not met the Section Leader will issue a warning in-line with this policy. If attendance does not improve the place at the group will be withdrawn. Continuation payment of subs after the place is withdrawn does not constitute a place retention.

Medical and other non-attendance matters

3.0 – If a member can’t attend, the section leader should be notified. There will be a discussion between the leaders and guardian around the best way forward. If there is a prolong non- attendance whether it being due to medical or another reason this will be reviewed by the Section Leader and/ or Group Scout Leader (GSL) on whether the member can still continue to attend with discussions with the guardian. Each will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Uniform Policy (Leaders & Helpers)


As a uniform organisation, the group have an expectation on all members including leaders, young leaders and regular trained helpers that uniform will be worn when required. Requirements as to which type of uniform is to be worn and when, will be agreed at section level by the leadership team.

The group expect that Leaders, young leaders and regular trained helpers are easily identifiable at the meeting venues and whilst out and about on activities. As dress uniform is not always practical, the group will provide an activity uniform to be worn.

Dress uniform

Dress uniform consist of Uniform Shirt with required badges and group Neckerchief.

Dress uniform will be provided by the group to any invested adult leader or regular helper. (If the Leader/Helper leaves within 6 months of receiving the uniform that person will be charged at group cost) Excluding YL’s.

As the expectation is that young leaders will be members of a local explorer group, dress uniform will not be provided to young leaders.

Activity Uniform

Activity uniform will consist of all or selected items from the following list:
– Group Hoody
– Group T-shirt
– Group Softshell
– Group Gilet

All Leaders, young leaders and regular helpers will wear the same activity uniform. This will be agreed by the Group exec.

All Leaders, young leaders and regular helpers can request items of activity uniform. This will then be reviewed by the exec and approved or denied. If a leader leaves within 6 months of any activity unform they will be changed for the amount paid by the group.

Group hoodie is the basic part of the activity unform. A leader or helper after attending at least two camp or weekend activities they will be able to request the group soft shell and group gilet.

Activity uniform will be reviewed annually to make sure it is still fit for purpose.

Providing of Uniform

Dress uniform will be sourced by the leader/Helper from the Scout shop. This should be pre agreed with the section leader. Cost can be added to group scout shop account (Leader only) or reimbursed via the group treasurer upon submission of an approved receipt.

Activity uniform will be sourced by the group from an approved provider at regular intervals during the year. This would normally be done on a termly basis. As this is arranged by the group, cost will be covered directly by the group. A section leader should agree the providing of any activity uniform for their section prior to the order being placed.

As dress uniform is not very often worn the expectation is that it will last for several years. Dress uniform can be replaced every 5 years. It will be replaced sooner if required but the section leader should sanction the replacement prior to purchase.

As activity uniform is worn much more often and on activities it is understood that this will need replacing more often and is more likely to get damaged. Initial the group will provide 1 of each item of activity uniform to any new leader or young leader when approved by the exec. Items can be requested however the Leader/young leader may be expected to cover the cost if not approved by the exec. If an item of activity uniform is damaged on group activity it will be replaced and the cost covered by the group. The same applies as above for regular trained helpers, however if that person received any paid for uniform within their first 6 months and leaves that person will be changed for all uniform provided. (Excluding YLs)

Alteration of uniform

If alteration of uniform is required for any Leader, young leader or Trained helper, the cost of any alteration will be covered by the group. Any alteration cost should be agreed with the exec prior to it being carried out.


Laundering costs

The group will not contribute to the costs of laundering uniforms.

Admission & Waiting List Policy

Section Numbers

The maximum number of Young Members per section will be agreed by the Leadership team. The maximum number of Young Members per section will fluctuate over time dependent upon:

  • The number of Adult Helpers per section
  • The anticipated throughput of Young Members through the Sections in order to ensure that all Young members are guaranteed a place in each Section as they progress.

Waiting List

All requests to become a Group Young Member, including requests made through the website, will be directed to one of the nominated Section Leaders, to be loaded to OSM. Request must include Name, DOB and email address. Where the number of requests exceeds the number of available places, a waiting list will be held as a whole group on OSM. The date that a potential Young Member is added to the Waiting List will be recorded. Potential Young Members will be accepted to the waiting List from any age, including pre-Beaver age.

Data on OSM

Name, DOB and email address along with the date entering the list will be recorded by the appropriate leader. An email invitation along with OSM instructions will be sent to the parents or guardian. It is up to the parent/Guardian to enter all the relevant information to OSM. A waiting list place will not become active until all the information is present. If full data is not present a place will not be offered. A holding place invitation will be sent to the Email address recorded on OSM each term. Parents replying “no” or failing to reply before the closing date will forfeit the place on the waiting list and will be removed. Due to data protection no information can continue to be held. If at a later date a young member would like to re-enter the waiting list this will be treated as a new entry at the bottom of the list. It is the responsibility of the parent/Guardian to ensure information on OSM is correct and upto date.

Offer of a place

Noting the priorities below, Young members will be taken from the waiting list in strict date order according to the date at which they were added to the waiting list. All medical and learning needs will be taken into consideration before a place is offered. If a potential Young Member cannot be offered a place in the appropriate Section but continues to wait and becomes too old for that Section, they will stay on the list ready for the next section and holding the current position on the list ready for the next Section. Places will be offered to sections and evenings where places allow. If the place is not accepted the member will remain on the waiting list, however they will lose their current position in line. Offers of a place will first be on a 4 week trial period. After this if successful a full time place will be offered.


Young Members who are a member of the Beaver Section will be given priority such that they will move directly to Cubs (without the need for entering the waiting list) at the appropriate age as agreed between the Beaver and Cub Leaders. Young Members who are a member of the Cub Section will be given priority such that they will move directly to Scouts at the appropriate age as agreed between the Cub and Scout Leader. Places will be offered where space allows in the relevant troop. If a place is not accepted the member will go on to the waiting list as a new entry. In order to ensure the safety and welfare of young members, priority will be given to female or male Young members to ensure that there are a minimum number of female or male Young Members in the Section (where possible).

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy


When you join Scouts you make your promise, and part of that promise is to keep to the Scout Law. The third Scout Law is “A Scout is friendly and considerate” and the seventh Scout Law is “A Scout has self-respect and respect for others”. You have to try your best to keep to the Scout Laws, and whilst at Scouts, this means that you have to show respect to both the Scouts at the Troop and the helpers and Leaders. We encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions, developing self-discipline, respect for themselves, others and the environment. This creates a happy, caring group, which enables effective skills and learning to take place. We do not tolerate bullying, name calling or put downs to any member of the Scout Group. We support children in such instances to consider their actions and the feelings of others.


Aims of the policy

    • Scout rules are shared, explained and understood by all members of the Scout Group and are consistently upheld. This translates to leaders challenging racist, homophobic or bullying language and deliberate unkindness.
    • Emphasis is placed on encouraging positive behaviour and explaining clearly the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. This is modelled by all leaders.
    • Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour, to ensure they are sensible, trustworthy and polite, and implement/practice our Group Rules set out below:
    • We DO have respect for everyone as individuals, whatever their differences.
    • We DO take bullying seriously – it’s not ‘just a bit of fun’.
    • We DON’T accept bullying behaviour in any form.
    • We DO report any bullying we see, whoever it’s aimed at.
    • We DO take someone seriously if they tell us they’re being bullied, and we also don’t watch others being bullied without doing something
    • We DON’T just put up with bullying. We DO make sure something is done about it.



There are 3 levels of misbehaviour:

  1. Low level disruption during the activity, rough play and disrespectful behaviour.
  2. Consistent disruption and disregard of instructions/guidance to improve. Inappropriate use of language, unking or unthoughtful behaviour.
  3. Violence, racist, homophobic behaviour, deliberate vandalism, stealing and bullying (repeated unkindness).

Leaders will always make a professional decision and adopt the most appropriate strategies to deal with the situation. Typically, instances will be escalated as follows:

Use of a Verbal Warning, clearly explaining what behaviour is unacceptable and the positive outcomes of maintaining the expected behaviour. A verbal warning will be given for low level disruption (1). Two verbal warnings will result in a yellow card.

A yellow caution card may be issued if the request is ignored, to remind the child non-verbally that their behaviour is unacceptable and disrupting the enjoyment of others. A yellow card will be filled out and the behaviour incident recorded. Yellow cards are kept for the remainder of the half term (unless it is issued in the last three weeks), after which the scout will have a “clean slate”. A yellow card will be given for consistent disruptions (2), only after the verbal warning. Two yellow cards in a half term will result in a red card.

red card may be issued if the behaviour continues with the explanation that the child had been asked repeatedly to settle the activity at hand. Parents will be formally informed. A red card will be given straight away in any instance of repeated unkindess (3), even if the scout has not been given two yellow cards.

Consistent inappropriate and bad behaviour will ultimately result in parents being asked in to discuss their child’s behaviour which could result in the child being asked to leave.



If the scout feels they have been unfavourably issued a yellow or red card, then they have the right to appeal the decision with the Group Scout Leader. Any appeal must be made within five days of the sanction being given.

The Leadership Team reserve the right to ask any Scout to leave the group as a result of inappropriate behaviour.



Emphasis is placed on encouraging positive behaviour, rather than admonishing inappropriate behaviour.

We encourage positive behaviour by a range of various non-verbal cues.

Green cards will be given out by Leaders to Scouts who are ably keeping and demonstrating they are following the Scout Laws, and to Scouts whose behaviour needs celebrating. Scouts who have received a green card will be rewarded at the end of each term by way of a special event or activity.



Anti-Bullying Policy


Bullying is where one person (or group) is deliberately and knowingly hurting another, mentally and / or physically, for fun or “just because they can”. Bullying is not usually a “one off” incident but happens on repeated occasions. The victim has their confidence so undermined that they allow this to continue and feel powerless to stop the torment.

Sadly, bullying happens in all walks of life –for adults as well as children and can be motivated by any of a number of influences including (but not exclusive to:) racism, sexism, physical disability or religious prejudices. 259 Stephen Hill Scout Group takes a very dim view on any forms of bullying.

Bullying is not:

  • A child ‘falling out’ with another and having a disagreement;
  • A child bumping into another during an activity;
  • Playing boisterously or loudly, or a ‘one off’ angry outburst.


Aims and objectives:

These are to:

  • Promote positive social behaviour and attitudes;
  • to reduce the number of racist and homophobic name calling incidents;
  • keep incidents of bullying to a minimum;
  • intervene effectively when bullying does happen;
  • help children feel confident enough to disclose any incidents of bullying, to a responsible adult.



We are very sensitive to bullying and make it a priority to support children as soon as we find out about any issues. We work with the children to develop their self-esteem and resilience which, in turn, equips them with the skills to be tolerant of others. All members of the Scout Group will be encouraged to report incidents of bullying to the Section Leader and Group Scout Leader. Appropriate action will be taken:

  • ‘Aggressor’ and ‘victim’ are listened to.
  • All parties, which may include parents, are brought in and given the opportunity to share their views of the incident. Usually when a child is found to be bullying another child, the ‘bully’ will be told to leave the group.

Benevolence Policy

This policy reflects the ethos of 259 Stephen Hill Scout Group and has been formally adopted by the Leaders and Group Executive Committee.

259 Stephen Hill Scout Group prides itself on being able to offer members a full and active programme of activities at Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Many of the events and activities are included within the membership fee. However, it is necessary to ask parents and carers to contribute towards the regular camps that take place. The Group are keen for all members to have the opportunity to attend these as they are great fun and contribute towards some of the badges they can gain.

The group would therefore like to inform all parents and carers that if they are unable to send their scout on an event/camp due to financial reasons, they can contact either the Parent Liaison Officer or any other member of the Scout Group. Your enquiry will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. If you would prefer, you can contact the District Commissioner.

You can also make payments for the camps in instalments to help spread the cost of the event.

There is also provision through the Sheffield Scout Resources Charity for a grant payment towards the cost of an activity. The Alex Oats Fund considers applications on an individual basis where financial hardship has been identified. The Group Scout Leader would be happy to give you more information about the application process.