Here at 259th Scouts we are a very active section with around 60 members who meet on 2 separate evenings. Having the peak district on our doorstep, during the warmer months we try and do as many activities outdoors as possible, including our weekly activities. However the cold doesn’t stop us getting out during the winter. We love to encourage Scouts to get out and explore. We also try and get the scouts out and active on weekend activites. These could be group activities or joining in with the wider district of 19 groups. We offer a wide range of activites from sleeping in hammocks to going to theme parks, chopping wood, lighting fires and having fun. See the photo scroll below for a range of activites. Scouting is open to all and we have a balanced mix of male and female scouts, young leaders and helpers. If you would like to join in anyway contact us via the get involved section of our website.
To find out more about the camps we run, get kit lists, and see map locations please visit our Camps and Events section: